Case Study: Guess the Flavor Lip Balm

  • Feb 28, 2023



Guess the Flavor Lip Balm



Health Insurance Organization

Product Featured

Lip Balm & Lip Balm Sleeve 

Goal of Promotion

Generating positive reinforcement with sales reps

Description of Case History

This HMO likes to give out quirky items to their sales reps with a “Guess What This Is For?” theme. They chose our Neoprene Lip Balm Sleeve to give at a company meeting. After they revealed the sleeve was intended to hold a lip balm, they then gave out a “Guess the Flavor” lip balm for the reps to try to win prizes for successful guesses. This promotion was great because it created a fun atmosphere at the meeting and rewarded the sales reps at the same time.


Source: SnugZ USA


  • Category: Case Studies
  • Tags: Promotional Products, Marketing, Branding, Promotional items, Giveaways, Promotion, Promotions, Lip Balm, Health, Insurance, HMO, Health Insurance